Sunday, December 18, 2005

Being Complete

Talking to friends and the question always comes up if I want more kids.  My answer is yes with the right person, but having another child will not complete me.  The answer I usually hear is that the person needs a child to complete them.  So I thought about that a lot last night.  Being complete.  I remembered my past when I looked for a lot of different things to complete me.  Relationships, sex, material objects, etc.  Over the last few years of working on myself this looking has been lifted.  I think this is why I might have had a hard time thinking of a present for myself this year.  I know that nothing I buy myself will be earth shattering, but the act of taking care of myself is important for me.  The weird thing that I have noticed is that how I use to always open the refrigerator looking for something yet not knowing what.  I would open the door look inside for a while then close it. Befuddled that I couldn't find what I was looking for.  Whatever that was.  Now I never do it.  Strange.  I guess along the way I have found what I was looking for and happiness and contentment have followed.


Anonymous said...

I could relate to this....only I'm not complete all the time. There's still sometimes I'm wanting and I don't know what?

Anonymous said...

I wrote an entry about feeling "COMPLETE" a while back, and admitted that without someone to share my life with, atleast right now, I still feel incomplete. Which is dangerous of course, one must feel complete even without someone, so I'm working on that. Some days are easier than others, and Mr. Right is out there somewhere, or atleast Mr. Good Enough LOL. But, gotta work on my stuff first, before giving my heart again.
~ Jenny