Tuesday, December 6, 2005

My Gold Watch Please


Talking to a friend last night who was having a lot of problems in his life.  We parted with him saying things have to get better.  I responded by saying, "they have to."  When I started getting my act together years ago I figured do some work on myself then I'll have no more crap in my life.  BAH AHA HA HA AHA!  Boy was I wrong.  I think I have more crap in my life no then I did then.  The thing that is different is me and how I deal with my crap.  Still wish I didn't have to deal, but that is not going to happen.  Even though I may still hope at times.  With that I have come to embrace that I am not the sum of my problems, but the sum of how I deal with my problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said
~ Marina