Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What a Strange, Strange Night

Hilarious Adult Picture: Ain't This the Truth

Well I just finished eating dinner of left overs.  It was pretty good except for spaghetti which oddly tasted like barf.  I am now wondering if I should have ate as much of it as I did before the smell got to me.  So I am wondering if I am going to get sick or not.  Very tired tonight and making bad decisions.

Anyhoo it has been a strange night.  My valet boss chewed me out for a enforcing a rule he made a long time ago with the reason he just changed 10 seconds before hand.  Still not winning any points after no Christmas bonus.  Anyway his breakup with his girlfriend has stooped to a new level when he showed up with a new girl tonight to show off.  Oh God did he show off.  He even tipped up!  Then off he went to find his old girl friend to show her his date.  God are we 5?

The whole point of this little narrative is the strange things women will say to a bunch of guys out of the blue.  A woman tonight made #2 on my Top 5 List of Weird Sexual Things Women have said to me.  Now these women I was not dating and most I really didn't even know there name, but they felt the need to share.  So here it is.

#5  You know my nipples are getting hard.  They do that sometimes.

#4  I was a stripper when I was in college.

#3  You know I can suck a trailer hitch through a garden hose.  (She wasn't drunk. LOL.  I think she meant to say she could suck the chrome of a golf ball).

#2  Doesn't my cell phone ringer sound like a 70's porn film.

And the grand pooba is

#1  You know I don't have a gag reflex.

Now this is #1 because it takes a lot to shock me and this did it.  What do you say after that statement?  Well it's a list in progress and in the season of Top 10 list here is my addition to it. 


Anonymous said...

What can you say to # 1 you asked
How about show me? LOL
Have a great day hugs, Marina

Anonymous said...

I feel the need to top # 1 and completely shock you, but they have this thing called TOS that stops me : ) LOL!!
~ Jenny