Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Game Playing


One of my daily readers talked about playing games and it got me thinking.  I guess that is why I read my daily 4 books.  To stimulate my mind.  Anyway I love playing games.  Mostly board and role playing.  Video games are okay, but they just don't grab me as much as others.  Over the years I have been accused of playing to win since I play hard.  These people never get that I don't care about winning I just like a good solid game.  For me like in life it is me giving you my best.  Hopefully you will do the same.  Keeps the game sharp and fun for me.  Although I know many who like just to relax during game play.  For me it is a metaphor for life.  Always give it your best and life won't slide into a rut.  I know you only coast down hill so I like to get the momentum going in the other direction.  Then it just takes on a life of its own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Relax during a game? Who ever heard of such a thing?
I would kick your butt in a game evertime <Wink>