Saturday, December 31, 2005

I've Been Tagged

Okay I was tagged by Marina.  (Have to get her for it)

The rules are list 5 weird habits about yourself then tag 5 others, and leave them a comment so they know they have been tagged.  

1)    I eat pasta for breakfast and have done so for over 20 years now.

2)    I never use the toilet seat (like the rim) to my Mom's utter disapproval.  I think it was my toddler was of saying f*ck you!

3)    I NEVER make my bed.  There are only 2 times when it will be made.  I just washed everything or your damn special to me.

4)    I love 1 piece of Red Vine licorice after dinner.  Just completes the meal.

5)    I make sure that the people I care about know how I feel about them when we part (good byes, good night, etc.).  Fear that one of us maybe dead soon and that I never got to say how I felt.

Picture with no caption 

(j/j) Okay my turn to Tag some people.  I tag:

Dawn (Here I Go Again)

Sara (Sweet & Twisted)

Mis (My Own Madness)

Amy (Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice)

Tina (Ride Along With Me)


Anonymous said...

I always tell people if the bed is made consider yourself special. Just don't see the point of making it just for me. Nice to know I'm not the only bed slob LOL.
Eww on the toilet though. Did you really have to go there? LOL
Happy New Year!
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

Regarding # 5:  I've had it happen to me, and it doesn't feel good, so hang onto this one.         p.s. .... Thanks !  I'm getting to work on my five habits ...  Tina

Anonymous said...

Gem :-)