Sunday, April 15, 2007

All the News

Well one of my roommates is moving out.  Pete is in my old room and my landlord asked if I wanted it back or to stay where I am.  I told him I didn't care.  I like my new room and the old room had some nice advantages.  So I'll see what the future brings. 

I am dusting off my air guitar since my landlord is leaving Tuesday for a trip to PA.  I picked up some connectors to hook up my Discman to my stereo since my CD player is giving my problems.  It's old and needs to be replaced, but is low on my list of things to buy.

Still no word from Eric.  He left me a message last Tuesday saying he forgot to call me the night before.  If I don't hear from him by tomorrow I'll give a call.  I know my ex doesn't like me calling unless it's an emergency, but it's about a week so that qualifies for me.  If Eric is busy and forgets I'm okay with that, but something in the back of my head is saying my ex is f-cking me over and that bothers me.  So we will see how it all plays out.


Anonymous said...

I sy call him,  Eric is probably never too busy for you.


Anonymous said...

You are not too busy to call your might want to let him know that, and hopefully he sees that he can count on your words, not from whatever it is he's hearing from your ex that might be against you. Hopefully she doesn't really do that because it is not a nice thing to do. Maybe it's time to let your ex knows you will never try to get between her and your son, like give her a hint or something.
Children looks up to their parents. They love it when they hear or get acknowledgement from mom or dad. Just let Eric knows that it brightens your day whenever you hear from him and that you appreciate his effort to get or keep in touch with you.

Take care,
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good advice there.  Have you gotten to talk with Eric since?