Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I guess I missed Monday on entries?  Oh well.  I tell you between networking and patients the day goes fast.  I just wish I had more patients.  In that area I joined a BNI group this morning.  Third time is the charm.  The first two I was okay with, but I really liked this morning's one so I slapped down my application and fee.  Truly one good patient covers the cost.  However I did jump into extreme financial fear mode yesterday when I was looking at my finances.  As usual the office pays for itself, but with out the valet there is nothing paying for me.  So all I see is a drain on my account which isn't that thick to begin with.  Poverty hits me in the stomach and I panic.  Once I reeled myself in I know I am working my damnest to make sure this doesn't happen.  So with that in hand I felt better, but it's hit or miss for a while.

I need to sit down again and rework out my schedule so I can squeeze in some more workouts and at least one yoga class a week.  All these early morning business meetings are biting into my routine.

I'll start packing up today for my weekend with Eric.  I'll just leave from L's house early Friday morning and get a get to NY earlier than usual.  There is no reason to go back home and then just leave.  We are both excited about the visit.  After this I'll see him for the summer.  I was bummed I couldn't find him any camps at the rec center this year.  A half day camp works wonders for both of us.  He gets some kid time and I get some time to do some work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be able to find a summer camp someplace near you!  :)  Enjoy your weekend.  LOL, yep, I'm looking ahead ,too.  And, worrying about money (or, trying not to).