Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I think when all doctor's graduate they should be labeled writing impaired and given the same rights as any handicap person.  So I went to the DMV to get my decals today.  I was 11th in line and only one teller for my situation.  Argh!  The good thing is that it was taking so long 4 people bailed.  I was so tense when she called two before my number.  That person wasn't around.  Then the number before mine.  I was dying.  Hoping they had already left since I needed to be across the street at a business meeting.  That person was gone so I was called.  The lady laughed at me she said she could see my tension.  Anyway she took one look at my form and was like I can't understand any of this.  I apologized said I was a doctor and she was okay with that.   


Anonymous said...

Ha! I know what you mean! I think that is it...all the kids yelled at in school for their handwriting not looking like those borders above the chalkboard go to medical school to say "Nanananana" to their teachers! I had that happen to me once & argued with the teacher. She threatened to call my parents & I said, "Go right ahead, my dad is a dentist & you can't read his handwriting." This was in front of the whole class. She never called them & my mom said, "Just let her try" now I don't have bad handwritting but it wasn't conforming style to the border ones with the "one way" to write! Ugh. Did she ask to see some proof? Can anyone walk up & say they are a doc? HA!

Anonymous said...

I can never read a doctors handwriting!!  I hope you made it to your meeting on time.
