Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thoughts on L

Talking to a friend today about L I realized probably why L still has some trepidation with me.  I'm nice to her.  I know her parents weren't the best and she doesn't seem to see the little put downs that the men in her life have told her.  Like she was saying yesterday an old boyfriend had said she had a big nose.  WTF?  L has a small nose, but she now believes it.  The same when we were talking last night and she said how her ex use to joke that she was eurotrash.  The joke came up in my mind, but I would never say to her that she was trash.  It's rude and not nice.  I think she is use to there being some kind of abuse at some level and since their is none with me I think she doesn't know what to think.  Even though it is healthier we are drawn to what we are use to.


Anonymous said...

Is she British? Some British guys can be harsh at times. I remember having some of them as great friends until my American boyfriend (my hubby) came to town and they got really crass with him.
Can I detect protectiveness? Awwww, my little Mike is getting serious! (Just teasing).


Anonymous said...

Mike ..... Continue with your nice ways.  My daughter finally found a nice guy, and she told me that he seemed surprised at first that she enjoyed his thoughtful ways so much.   He told her that he has met many women who seem put off by it.  I suppose it's because, like you said,  they just weren't used to good treatment.  I can tell you that my daughter is thrilled to finally be treated so well, and she lets him know it.  I'm sure that L feels the same way, and is just surprised by her good fortune !   Keep being the wonderful man that you are ...     Tina