Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It's Wednesday the 4th!

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It's the 4th and that means I've known L a month now.  Woohoo!  Boy time goes fast.  I can feel us easing into a more relaxed state.  I hear the happiness in L's voice when I call and it's nice.  Talking way to fast is still a problem when I am with her, but that is a global problem. 

Talking to my business neighbor this morning about K moving out.  She confirmed that K just REALLY hates men.  So that explained a lot for me why we never got along.  I don't get along with everyone, but hostility never really comes up.

My Mom was doing better today and knew who I was.  She seems more dozy than usual and I don't know if it is from the medicine or not.  Part of me just doesn't care.  I have so much going on I can't parent my Mom.  When I had the extra time it was okay, but now I just don't have it in me. 

Fear still grips me with the business and I will see how it is going in a month to see what I will do.  I'm trying to get more faith on the subject with doing my part and then having the faith it will work out.  We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my 3 months iuntil Independence Day, the week of my daughter's birthday, yet it's maybe snowing this weekend.   One month, ahhh,that'ssweet:)