Sunday, March 19, 2006


Well it's been a good twenty four hours with a few bumps in the road.  The bumps being one of the members at the club last night while I was valeting thought I was treating him differently because he was black.  So he took it a s a racial insult and it was a problem for a while.  Besides that it was a busy night.  Not use to it since it has been a while.   The other bump was less volatile, but a pain non the less. I stopped at Starbucks today to enjoy and drink and read my book.  What I got was a ex navy guy who thought I was military and chewed my ear off about current events.  I didn't mind it initially, but after a while it was like I want to read my book.  He kept engaging me.  He finally stopped when he realized I wasn't military.  Go figure.

The rest of the day has been relaxing.  I was able to sign up for yoga classes at the gym which I am looking forward to.  It fits my schedule and I don't have to drag my ass down to the beach to my old yoga place.  I'm happy to drag my ass down to the beach to go to the beach, but yoga class not really.  Also the price is only 30 sessions for $18 compared to $10 a class at the old place.  Couldn't pass that up. 

Anyhow I did drag my ass down to the beach and enjoyed a walk along the water.  Since it was 30 degrees cooler than it was last weekend it was easy to do that.  Boy what a difference the few hundred feet of sand makes.  That nice briny smell.  I followed that up with a stop over at the bookstore to browse and read.  Since it was still early afterwards I went over to the Bay to enjoy the different scenery of the water and finish my book off.  I'll have to bring my camera next time to take pictures for you all to see.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike !!! Sorry to hear about the bump in the road during the day. I also enjoy going to Starbucks here in Atlanta, Georgia. What book are you reading by the way ? Its good that the rest of your day was relaxing. I have never tried yoga though. I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that I enjoy reading your journal. Take care and I will be back soon to read your journal. By the way I also keep a journal titled " Dear Diary ". You can find my link at -----------------> I hope you come by and say hello. Feel free to drop in anytime. Take care Mike byyyyyyyye.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful afternoon for sure.  The beach sounds so nice.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to see a picture or two of the beach. Seems all in all, the day went good


Anonymous said...

It never fails, when you want to be alone there is always that one person who wants to talk your ear off. As for the racial thing you don't strike me as the type who would make that an issue or an excuse to treat someone differently. Hopefully you were able to just let that go. Perhaps they are just paranoid. Pictures of the beach would be wonderful, if we can't be there we can atleast dream that we are. Must have pictures lol
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see your pics.....i have a thing for beaches and for oceans. i would like to see it thru your eyes too.