Wednesday, March 29, 2006

One Day

One day I will open a box and find all the spackle and putty knives I have bought over the years.  Since every time I move I seem to be buying a more and I can never find them when I move again. 

Realized this morning why I have been pissed at my SIL for the last few days.  I hang out with different people now a days.  Unsolicited advice is usually not given and if you scratch me I am a rebel underneath.  So being told what I NEED to do really pisses me off.  I don't have to do jack.  I'll review the situation then make a decision. 


Anonymous said...

I agree! I try never to butt into people`s business and really resent it when people do it to me! Why do they feel the need?? Arghhh!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can relate.  I used to keep MY tape measure in my underwear drawer (of all places) so nobody would take it.  It just went missing and I am peeved... I know the kids wouldn't check that drawer, so HMMM....whoever could it be...  :-P


Anonymous said...

Just dropped by to say hi and ended by laughing my sides silly.   I love the "I don't have to do jack" and for some reason it really fit well with my day.  I know you didn't mean this entry to be particuarly funny, but it did the trick for me!  Thanks, Pennie

Anonymous said...

Wow, your talking about spackle and putty knives. I was cleaning out some boxes in the basement and found five screw drivers, two hammers and one sledge hammer. No wonder my husband can never find his tools, he leaves them all over the house.

Anonymous said...

your an adult so I agree with you. You make the decision afer you figure out what it is.  I hope you find all your spackle or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Geez, are you moving, Mike? I must have missed something here. Just as soon as you buy another one, you will find ALL the missing putty knives.  Good Luck with the spackling, Mate. (or is it break a leg?)--angel

Anonymous said...

And one day....I will find all the silverware and cups that get lost around my house....


Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read about your spackle/putty knife situation!  You are so funny!  I think you have a right to be mad at your SIL.  You are a grown man, right?  Hang in there kid!  Hey! I was watching Deal or No Deal, and there was a guy that was part of the player's support group, and his name was Mike, and he looked an awful lot like your picture right there on the left side of my computer!  I had to really study him to see if it were you!  But since I actually don't KNOW you, I couldn't tell!  Was it you?  ha ha ha!!!  Ok, I'll stop being silly now!  But I am serious about the dude looking like you!
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Your SIL sounds like my MIL. ASSHOLES.
lisa jo

Anonymous said...

You go boy! LOL

You are right. You don't HAVE to do anything. Just do what you want to do...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm.......sounds like someone else I know!  ME!
