Sunday, March 12, 2006


Whew!  What happened?  It was hot today.  Somewhere in the 80's.  Seems we jumped in to the hot weather already.  So today became recreation day.  The usual trip to the gym was followed up with some hiking at False State park.  I've been wanting to go for the last few weeks, but the weather hadn't permitted it.  It was nice, quiet, and the bugs hadn't gotten out yet, which was good.  Since I didn't walk by the water, but headed inland through the boggy areas.  When I had realized what I had done I was very grateful not to be eaten alive.  It was a good couple of miles, but boy was I hot by the time I finished.  So since I was down there anyway I decided to stop by the beach.

During the winter months you can pretty much lie in the streets and not have to worry about being hit by a car, but in the summer it is gridlock.  Well it wasn't too far from that today.  It was more crowded then yesterday, but still very pleasant.  I got a good laugh from two different dogs.  One dog's owner had dressed their dog in a hula outfit with the grass skirt and shell bra.  It was very cute.  The dog was probably mortified though.  The other was a woman trying to teach her dog to fetch a ball.  The dog could care less about the ball.  He just wanted to see everything else. 

Well just finished some laundry.  I will finish reading my mail then I think I watch Constantine.


Anonymous said...

seems like a perfect way to spend a Sunday; exercising outside enjoying the weather. I hope its the perfect start to the week ahead :)


Anonymous said...

sounds like a great fun day for you. A dog in a hula oh boy, I would have laughed so hard.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day...I would love to be able to go to the beach whenever I wanted!


Anonymous said...

Nest time bring a camera so you can get those "hula" pics and share  lol