Tuesday, March 28, 2006

When in Doubt

When in doubt road trip.  Actually I just ran some errand, but the weather is great outside.  I got to drive with the window down and crank some kicking music.  It was a slice of paradise.  It reminded me to always be good to myself.  It balanced me out from all the crap going on.  Something I need right now.  Feelings aren't facts just feelings.  They don't always accurately reflect how reality is.  So some fresh air, the wonders of nature, and of course some good tunes to balance the scales out.


Anonymous said...

My favorite road trip music is good ole "motown"  Marvin Gaye,temptations,four tops  well that gives you the jist. lol  with that window down and boppin to the music and tappin your hand on the wheel,ahhhh all is right with the world at that moment!! Reality can wait!!! You go guy!!! I'm there with ya!!! "sugar pie honey bunch, you know that I love you,!! lol (four tops)

Anonymous said...

beautiful picture and I hope spring comes soon to IL.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!  That's exactly how I unwind and get a grip on reality!  Driving through the country side, and listening to my music!  LOUDLY, I might add! :)
