Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Four Stages

If I can remember right their are four stages to the grieving process.  I did denial pretty quickly and depression lasted a day or two.  I had a bout with anger last night.  Nothing concrete or directed at anything.  Just a childish passing of I hope you get hit by a truck or somthing.  So I think acceptance is next.  I'm not feeling as flat as I have been so this too shall pass.

I got a letter from the ex today informing me when Eric is going to be at camp.  She's getting more friendly in the letters.  Still don't trust her an inch.  I would like some stability here in all our communications, but since I couldn't get it throughout our marriage I seriously doubt I'm going to get it now.


Anonymous said...

Take your time going through those stages.. don't rush it!  I would have been angry in the beginning.. especially with the way she informed you of her change in relationship status.  That would have pissed me off,  royally.  

Hang in there, Mike!


Anonymous said...

There are actually 5! and I went through of them the past 7 yrs with my ex cheating and divorce!
every gets through them at there on pace and in their own way! hang in there you will too!

divorce is like a death,  a death of a marriage!

Denial - The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger : "How dare you do this to me?!" (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as "responsible")
Bargaining  : "Just let me ..........."
Depression : "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"
Acceptance : "I know ........."


Anonymous said...

when I was depressed, I didn't even know I was depressed....I got there r e a l
s l o w l y (the depression part) next came anger for me,, then acceptance.
Slow process, but I am here now.
good for you that you acknowledge these process and accept its symptoms/feelings. You'll get to the good part, you're strong.
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

yes there is a lot to deal with when you get a divorce. Lots of emotion Im sure.