Monday, May 14, 2007

On the Horse

Jackie's comment last entry got me thinking or pondering.  Years ago I had to go through an exercise about my life.  It was a short exercise and the reason was that I had chosen not to be involved in life.  Due to fear, low self esteem, etc.  Kind of like Earl on "My Name is Earl" I had to make it up to myself.  So I am.  I will not let anything from stopping me from enjoying life.  It's one of the reasons I've been so happy over the last few years.  It's easier to enjoy life when your part of it.  Hopefully at the end of the ride I can sneak another turn.


Anonymous said...

That is exactly MY problem, Mike.  You hit the nail on the head with this entry!  I am full of fear and I have extremely low self esteem when it comes to the opposite sex.  Never used to.  But, I've allowed life to do that to me.  Notice I said "allow."  I realize that it's a conscious decision when we make it a point to kind of back out of life.  You are an example to me, Mike.  So, show me the way, brother! lol


Anonymous said...

Jackie is right about the whole "allowing" thing; my mother always told me people will take advantage of me only if I let them.  its kind of the same thing; our insecurities are our own doing and not anyone else's b/c we allow people to make us feel down about ourselves. I think we are all guilty of this.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
this entry couldn't have come in a better time for me. Like you, I used to not enjoy life, yesterday after everything I did for the day, I realized I'm starting to live life again, and you're is enjoyable.
Thank you for this entry,
Gem :-)