Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Other Woman

I had a few people ask about the other woman I stated before.  I believe I talked about her in my other journal, but not here.  Please don't ask what I named her there.  Anyway it was a 3 month relationship if it could be called that many years ago.  People always had a hard time understanding it.  Since conversation was limited to, "hi, missed you, bye, have to get back to work."  Anything else were just moans and groans.  It was a relationship of sex.  I was younger and I thought hey sex all the time when we are together.  No complicated communication, no money being spent, and borderline illegal sex.  I swear it was like living in a porno movie cause it was all a fantasy.  I knew the other woman was borderline obsessed with me, but I knew that could turn around in a second.  Since I did see it every once in a while.  Topped off that any answer she every gave me was opposite to any physical evidence.  "Like is that a wedding ring?"  "No I just like wearing it.  I can take it off if you like."  However I was young and the sex was great.  So as long as she wasn't a man I was okay with it.  The sad realization I had was that sex alone doesn't make a relationship.  I was really shocked at the time since this was like a dream relationship.  Like all other aspects of my life I am always striving to better it or move it to the next level.  To my surprise I have bought a single story house without any additional floors and their was some unwritten law that I couldn't make any more.  I think she would have wanted to, but without any truthful information coming I ended it.  Actually it was like the beginning of the Six Million Dollar man with him crashing.  It ended and started up several times until I finally did crawl out with a lesson learned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! So was she married? This was before your marriage or after?

So you didn't care to talk about your life, have her hear your dreams? Now was she alot older than you? Hmm?