Monday, May 28, 2007

Late Night

Late nights are still rough.  Even though I don't want to be back with L I do miss her.  Or at least the relationship.  I like doting on someone.  I like the relationship time very much.  I know that at some point I will be with another person again, but for now I am sad.  It is making it hard for me to let go of dating for a little while to get back to being single again.  A place where dating is optional instead of a need.  However I am still unable to let go.  I'm good when I am by myself, but when a woman comes into my field I am quickly sizing her up as date material.  Even though I know I'm not going to ask her out.  Once I can get back to that Zen mindset of being okay with or without then dating can resume.  This is the track I would like to take while wondering if C at my friend's office is single.  Oh well.


Anonymous said...

someday you will find the right one. When you least expect it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you said what you did at the end. I was like "Need"? I mean we say we need & can't survive without someone & that is a wonderful type of feeling but you do need to be able to survive on your own too or it isn't are not balanced then. And right at the beginning you answered your own question on how you feel about L when you said you missed having "someone" that is very different than missing her & I'd say it is a good thing you are not together then because that is not a good enough reason...but that is just my opinion that doesn't mean anything of course.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike...Marla is right; it will happen when you least expect it.
Have a good week!