Friday, May 18, 2007

Happy Hour

Well HH got to moved to another place that I had been before.  It's really weird to walk into a room full of people you don't know.  I spotted my friend Gina and we talked a little while before she went and mingled.  I did the same with a few people I had gone to an event with some time in the past.  In Meetin their are so many different groups of people that many of us never meet.  The HH crowd was different from my normal crowd, not that I really have one.  However the nerds usually come to my events.  Don't know what that says.  I guess some people had seen my face so they said hello.  One thing I do hate about HH is the smoke.  I made it two hours being by the plastic windows to get some fresh air every once in a while.  This talking to strangers and getting to know them is not relaxing after I do it so much while I'm networking. Strangers in the minority are okay, but the majority is just way too much work.  I do enjoy the events that we are doing something.  I'm not a drinker so doing a event around that is lost on me.


Anonymous said...

ah, but the real question is, "did you get any more marriage proposals?"

Anonymous said...

I'm not a drinker, either, so bars are just not fun for me, or any place, for that matter, where drinking is the highlight of the evening.. :/   I would rather be home readinga good book!  Yes... I am sooooo much fun! lol
