Sunday, May 6, 2007


Went to see Spiderman 3 today and I enjoyed it.  Can't believe it was almost 3 years since I saw #2.  I remember it vividly since I saw it after I dropped Eric & my ex off at the airport the day they left.  I just wanted something to occupy my mind and it did the trick.  One day I'll see it again so I can remember more of it.

Anxious with money.  Waiting for insurance money to come in and after a week of nothing I start getting nervous.  Especially since I know I don't have enough in savings for this month.  So money needs to start coming in plus the new patients need to keep coming in so I can get to the numbers I need to pay for everything.


Anonymous said...

I hope the money starts coming in, that can be nerve racking. My son saw spidy 3 and he liked it too.

Anonymous said...

Never had a bit of interest in seeing any of the Spider man sagas.   Just thought I'd let you know that.. lol


Anonymous said...

I hate that feeling, the monetary stuff, and the got to occupy my mind stuff.  I can't related to the spiderman bit, but hey, I hear it's really cool:)  Maybe I'm looking more for Batman ha -- Robin