Tuesday, May 2, 2006

I'm Back

Well I got a bulk mail violation from AOL and was denied access for a while.  Took for ever on hold to get someone to help me then transfer me all over the place.  The funny thing is they email me the way to fix it, but deny my online access to read it.  So you know I forwarded too much stuff in too short a time and was thrown off.  So all you who forward a lot of stuff what a little while in between. 

My status to many of you out their has has been lurker for a while.  It was funny I got a comment from Dwana the other day thanking me for visiting her blog.  Funny thing I have been reading it daily for a few months now.  As my list has grown I have read them all, but I can't just put a comment in to say I was there.  If I have something to say I do, but most of the time like the wind I come and go without much notice. 

Well the doctor says everything happening with my Mom is old stuff since her last scan showed no new bleeds.  She is scheduled for a MRI to check everything else out.  He stated that her inability to walk was from her blood pressure medication dropping her pressure to low.  I find this strange since they checked her out in the hospital the day before she went back in.  He states she now needs to be in a nursing home and not assisted living.  So back to the drawing board with this stuff.  We are hoping since this is his recommendation Medicare will pick up some of the bill for the transitional place she will be in.


Anonymous said...

Funny about getting a violation, lol how can you read it. Geesh.  When my son who is now 15 was 13 he got a violation for sending out bulk mail. He didn't have a clue. He opened a virus and it sent out 250 emails or something. He was like I didn't do it mom. After talking to AOL he didn't do it. He doesn't even know that many people to send it to anyway.  Hope your day was good and I hope your mom is going to be ok.

Anonymous said...

my daughter went through the same thing am4's son went through and she didn't do it either..AOL..they can be funny sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I usually comment when I read a journal, but not always. I have a couple I lurk around in. How nice of aol to email you but don`t give you access to it. Figures!

Anonymous said...

Just be careful when you choose a nursing home...there are some really bad ones out there!


Anonymous said...

I lurked for a solid year until i had enough nerve to comment. I rarely lurk now....i enjoy commenting but its sometimes alot to get to everyones story everyday. Tell big bad wolf AOL to leave you be! I like your funnies!

Anonymous said...

Yea, what's up with that? No comments? Like Hello??!?!?! Hehehe
I do that alot too, I read and read but don't comment alot, than other times, I don't read for a few days to a week than comment all over the place.. What a whck job I am huh?
