Saturday, May 27, 2006

Lazy Saturday

Yoga was rough this morning with no AC.  I had a funny feeling Tara was going to have us do squats and we did.  Oye.

Went down to the yearly Strawberry Festival this afternoon.  It was nice, but I realized it is exactly the same as last year.  At least move the vendors around to make it look different.  Anyway I got to see the pig races this year.  That was fun.  The piglets were very cute.  I was surprised how far the could they could do a standing jump.  The rest of the shows were good. 

Now I am back home and I just what to sleep.  I think all the heat has done me in.  I know if I pass out I will never sleep tonight.  So I will amuse myself some how and decide later which to watch tonight.  Ran or Chicago?  Both ends of the spectrum I know.

One thing I have noticed living in the south now is that women are taller down here than they are up north on average.  Maybe it's just the area, but I swear sometimes I am living in the land of the Amazons.


Anonymous said...

I hope you get some sleep and meet shorter woman, lol just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it is the height of thier hair that makes the difference or has it gown down in the south since the last time I was there?

Anonymous said...

Oh Mike, I love pigs!!  They are my favorite!!  I would tell you the story of mine, but it is too sad.

Hope you get some good rest.


Anonymous said...

Hehe...clarify amazon, please?  I'm 5'7"...does that make me an Atlantazon? ;)  C.