Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What a Freakin' Expensive Day

Had a little financial cascade tonight.  My cell phone dropped out of its case breaking on the ground.  Since it is my business phone I needed to replace it ASAP.  So I walked down the street to get a new one.  Everything is going okay then I go to pay and there like you have an outstanding balance on your account so we can't give you the discount.  I'm like you cashed my check so what's the deal.  I thought the check may have bounced, but I had seen that they had paid it online.  However I found out several days later that the bank had changed their mind and didn't pay it.  So now I am stuck with a past due phone bill and a new cell phone bill.  Oye.  So now goes the arduous task of trying to find all my phone numbers.

The good news of the day was that my patients really like me.  LOL.  My elderly couple is spreading my good name.  Then I sent out my letter to say that I was raising my prices $5 on my cash patients.  My doctor patient emailed me back and said "Mike your still too low," which I know.  However I try to make it affordable to a lot of the people in the area that just don't have insurance.  Although I do know many doctors in the area that charge a hell of a lot more than I do for less service. 


Anonymous said...

I wish you were here in Ohio, i would come to you. Sorry to hear about the cell. I need a cell too.
take care!

Anonymous said...

Well that just sucks about the cell phone
Sorry dude. Hugs, Marina

Anonymous said...

sorry about the phone and the phone bill, lol that sucks. I think it's great that you charge cheaper prices. You have a heart for people who can't afford it.

Anonymous said...

For about $3 a month, you don't carry insurance on your cell? (Sorry. that sounded blatantly mother-like.) I always print out the receipt too, when I pay a bill online.  I almost had our gas cut off this winter because I'd paid it online and the payment didn't go through. Ya just never go.  I think it is excellent that you aren't charging "the going rate" so that your patients can afford to see you.  You are a rare bird.  :)  Sorry you had a fiscally challenging day.  Sometimes it happens.  Hope you have a better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

they get you every way the can; don't they? If its not the cell phone company...than its the bank. Not the bank? trust me...its someone else out to get you! In this case it was the bank AND the cell phone company! been there; I feel your pain. & the frustration.
Hopefully today is a better day!

Anonymous said...

Mike?  You're setting several standards for your business right now.  Don't confuse your kindness and ethics with good business sense...people will pay a premium for genuine care. ;)  C.  http://journals.aol.com/gdireneoe/thedailies