Thursday, May 18, 2006

Weird, Bizarre, & Funny

Well it is have been an interesting day as I still find pieces of egg around.  My weird piece is that I got asked out.  It was from a girl Chris I had asked out months ago.  It was just before her busy season at her job.  She was too busy, but never really gave me an answer which I really don't like.  If you can't tell me something now when you don;t even know me.  How the hell are you going to say something when you do?  Anyway I didn't want to do it this weekend since I would have to squeeze it in somewhere and I don't like doing that.  So I asked for a rain check to the following weekend.  The usual for us.  She has her kids the following weekend so she can't do that.  So it will be whenever.  No biggie.

The bizarre was a got a phone call from a new patient.  She was looking for a chiropractor who did laser acupuncture to help stop smoking.  I don't, nor do I have a laser.  The bizarre thing was that she looked me up on the web and I was the only doctor in the area that did it.  ME?  How the hell did that happen.  Oh well at least there talking about me.

The funny is that I was walking in the back to throw garbage out.  My office is in a office park.  One of the offices has carried there refrigerator outside to defrost.  LMAO.  Their freezer is so filled with ice you can only fit a matchbox car in there.  So I think it is going to take a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes it does sound like an interesting day.  Maybe someday you and Chris can get together.