Thursday, May 25, 2006

Letter Revisited

Well I was going to respond to my ex tonight, but I reread the letter and got a good letter.  She wrote hear from me then crossed it out and put receive letter from.  LOL.  I almost started to write when I realized I don't want to do this.  I want to speak on the phone like adults, not this note passing stuff.  Also I was mistaking in who had advised my ex.  Our son is suppose to get counseling again that person wasn't at the meeting.  Our son's guidance counselor, speech therapist, and his teacher were there.  So I got people's opinions.  It's too late to drag this into court this year so I will have to do it during the year.  Since if he could fly we could see each other more often.  Gut tells me something is up since my ex is WAY too nice in the letter. 


Anonymous said...

Oh that that is a sure fire sign! HA! I have an ex-sister in law so I can relate with my nieces! I hope everything still turns out ok. Maybe you can talk to your son later & find out more! :-) I find out sooooo much from my nieces.

Anonymous said...

Listen to your gut feeling, they are usually right!


Anonymous said...

My gut has never lied to me...EVER. ;)  C.