Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday Night

Well it is nice to have the business be busy.  Still need more new patients, but my older patients have been calling to come back in which has been great.  So most have opted to come in more often to stay in better shape.  I am so glad to have moved into the new office since it is a really big help now.  Still battling at times about spending money to make money.  However I know if all I do is focus on paying bills it is all I will ever do.

Tired of my ex not talking to me.  The system is either she will have our son call to find something out, which I hate.  The other is mail.  She responds by letter to everything I ask. LOL.  I mean it's almost a year since I ripped her a new asshole for accusing me in court of molesting our son.  Which I wasn't planning on doing until she was not going our son come to visit me.  Move on lady.  Oye.

I took Anna out for her birthday to lunch today.  It was a fun time.  I have had many women friends over the years, but thinking back all started in school or work.  This from out of the blue is different.  I know Anna would like to push it to something more, but I enjoy her as a friend and I like it that way.  Yes we have talked about it and I think it will be a relationship of me having good boundaries.  Anyway she asked if I would accompany her to a wedding Sunday since she doesn't want to go alone.  I could understand that.  God it has been so long since I been to a wedding.  Do I need to wear a tie?


Anonymous said...

hmmm, a men even own ties anymore?  lol - It's always classy when a man puts on a tie, if for nothing else than the first impression.  If you're overdressed when you get there - you can always slip it off!  Just my 2 cents    -Kelly

Anonymous said...

I always say better to overdress, and whatever you wear just don't wear white socks with dress shoes!!!
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

I am confused...weren't you looking for someone for a relationship? I thought you liked this woman as more than friends. I must be lost And...ties always look nicer at a wedding...just my thoughts of course.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being in a 6 pack.  Thought I would stop by and check out your journal.  I've read a few entries. I think you should definitely wear a tie to the wedding. Ties are hot. :)

Anonymous said...

I think I need to read your archives.. I don't know how you stand on relationships.. have you dated since your ex?? However I will give my opinion on the tie..wear it to the cermony and whip it off when you boogie on down at the reception..oh yes Mike.. you will have to dance... ;-)


Anonymous said...

Yes, a tie... and recommend them all to a good chiropractor while you`re there. :)( Just don`t get drunk and dance on tables )

Anonymous said...

yes wear a tie, lol now have a great time at the wedding.