Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Dying Breed

Talking to one of the other guys in my yoga class this morning.  He happened to be another Mike.  We laughed, but agreed we are a dying breed.  When I was young it was commonplace to have 4 other Mike's in class with me.  Now a days it hardly ever happens.  I don't think Mike has been in the top 10 in years.  We had a run for about 25 years being the number 1 name then in the 80's it started slipping.  It's weird to be in a room now a days and have several Norms and Dons, but no other Mikes.  I have to admit I like it.  That uniqueness that was never there as child has finally arrived.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, so how many Mike's do I know, and know of, including your own brother?! ;)   Anyway, there wre FIVE Robin's in my gym class one year.   I've never even liked the name, but it is less common now.  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

My name was fairly popular when I was young.
My son has the same problem now.....there are tons of Tylers in his school....


Anonymous said...

your right, not as many Mike's anymore as there used to be.