Thursday, March 1, 2007

Relationship in Review

Since I now have my nights free I was reviewing my relationship with April since that is what I do.  Where's the unhealthy dependency, the manipulation, and all the crap?  I'm freaking out with out it.  LOL.  In a way I am truly.  I've worked hard over the years to attract healthier people.  April is the first one that I have developed a relationship with.  It is just so different from all my past ones that it's just strange.  It truly doesn't bother me, but like a new set of clothes.  It fits, but still not fully comfortable yet. 

I'm thinking if we go out late again I'll pick a place that we can play a game or something during our meal.  I know we both like board games and I need something for us to do for my own sanity.

Meanwhile on the office front a couple from the Filipino organization called and wants to come in next week.  So hopefully the universe is balancing everything out here.  That's my prayer and I'm sticking to it.


Anonymous said...

p.s. I like your new profile pic!

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a keeping. I'd say tie a bow around her and don't open the package :o)
I'm glad you found someone healthy, and devoid of the unhealthy relationship issues so many people run into!

Anonymous said...

So.. Mike... does that mean that you LIKE the relationship status you are experiencing with April.. or not? Hard for me to tell when I read what you wrote. Sounds like yes.. but, maybe not?  I'm confused.. can't you tell? lol

I like you new picture in your profile!  Very handsome! :)
