Thursday, March 15, 2007

Jeez That was a Pain

I was informed that I should have on my answering machine message that if it is a medical emergency hang up and dial 911.  Damn that sentence!  I forgot I had perfectly timed my last message to just fit.  Now this added tidbit totally went out of bounds and I was nipping and tucking all over the place to get it all to fit without making it sound all like one word. 

Pissed today I miss marked a patient's appointment for next week so when she showed up I wasn't here.  It helps balance out next week, but it would have made it a really great week number wise.

I'm not quite sure what is going on with my ex, but Eric has called me everyday this week.  Not complaining just not like her to be free with these niceties. 

Oh well the clouds arrived early so I doubt if L and I will be able to see the sunset tonight.  Hey we'll be together and that's all I care about.


Anonymous said...

I am just so happy that you are happy, Mike!  I hope and pray that what you have with L continues! :)  Have a great time tonite!


Anonymous said...

i am in charge of the messages on our voice mail at work because of my accent..(the docs love it) and it is a PAIN! I have to say the 911 thing too..can't tell you how many times i had to re do it...LOL

Anonymous said...

I often don't know how to interpret my child's other parent, either, but hey, just enjoy them when you get them:)  -- Robin