Monday, January 23, 2006


Well after I wrote my last entry and was reading the comments before bed last night I realized I had a lot to be grateful for being single.  I read the list over and over and while laughing I remembered I don't miss all the mind reading.  I'm a pretty straight forward kind of guy and looking for all the subtle gestures and comments is maddening.  Also as someone mentioned the eternal fight over the toilet seat.  I like the lid closed for the aesthetic look.  However if that doesn't work no complaints of what position it is in when you go to use it.  Hey now I'm happy I am single.  Woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not like you guys don't give us trouble with the "mind reading" thing too, and especially because most men don't know how to communicate, not all but most. As for the toilet seat, If I bitch about it he might start to pee in the sink lol. Life is too short to worry about the little things. I certainly wouldn't make a "toilet seat" an issue.
~ Jenny