Saturday, January 21, 2006

Goop Melange of Thoughts

Well I have felt kind of dry with what to write the last few days.  This morning I think I have too much to say.  So sit, relax, and let me drain my brain.

1)  Woke up this morning and had thoughts like Jenny.  I was alone and thought how nice it would be to have someone with me.  So I applied if I think my neighbors grass looks greener I better water mine.  So I thought of all the things I am grateful for being single.  Hey I can focus on myself and don't have to share with anyone else.  Most of the things I thought were on the selfish side, but this is the time for it.  It's all about me.  Then when I decide to go back out there I'll be a more exciting person than I already am.

2)  A friend asked me about anger yesterday as he starts his spiritual growth.  For me anger was a bad thing. I saw my parents in it especially my Dad and I never wanted that.  So I either swallowed it all or short circuited the emotion before it went anyplace.  Now a days I can display it appropriately, but it is still an exercise to just let it happen.  However I found myself dreaming last night again a teenager and trying to verbalize my anger to my Mom's boyfriend.  There I was again like many of my lifelong dreams unable to act.  Although I was able to get a whisper out which is better than normal.  Well it shows me where the work still needs to be done.

3)  Jeez I forgot already.  Must be getting old.  Oh well it will have to wait for another entry. 


Anonymous said...

Well, if this is what comes spilling out when you "drain your brain" I think you should drain more often lol
It must have been something in the air last night/this morning. Some days are easier than others. There are good things about being alone, like my toilet seat is always down : )
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

I think you and Jenny should hook up!!!!
