Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Off Today

I am tired and off today.  Not off from work just "off".  Weird dreams last night of how life use to be as a teenager.  The anger, the arguments, the rage, the helplessness, the general insanity of it all.  I don't know if my share in my other journal brought it up.  Since it was on that time.  So today I am tired and my head feels like it is in a helmet.  I don't like feeling like this, but as always it is just feelings and they will pass.  Always have to work through these uncomfortable things.  To easy for me to just want to stuff them or get rid of them to fast.


Anonymous said...

I'm going through a difficult time myself right now...also not my favorite time of year, and I'm dealing with being a new sufferer of interstitial cystitis, also known as painful bladder syndrome. Makes it somewhat bearable thanks to the urologist who prescribed me Elmiron without diagnosis, but it being a condition that one must learn to also manage on his or her own is hard. I've always taken my good health for granted up until now, but I believe that this changes my way of thinking from now on!

Anonymous said...

I hate the cloudy head days. It must be something in the air, today was definitely one of those days. This too shall pass they say. The important thing is working through it instead of ignoring it, and hopefully it passes soon.
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

I hope you are better today you should be it's Saturday
Hugs, Marina