Monday, January 2, 2006

Nothing is Better (Well .... )

I have to admit nothing gives me more of a boost that doing chiropractic.  I do love what I do and how I treat my patients now gives me great joy.  I may talk a lot of people out of joining this profession since it is a hard field.  However their is nothing else I would rather do.  So after talking to many people about my feeling today and a new patient just walked into the office. I feel like a new person.  Problems still the same just my attitude is different and their lies the problem.  My attitude on certain situations.  Hey what can I say I am only human.  Something I always strive to be better than for some strange reason.


Anonymous said...

We can't always change the problem right away but we can step back, take a deep breath and change our attitude. With a little attitude adjustment, we can get through anything. Sounds cheesy but it's true.
It's a real shame my chiropractor turned into such a dick, little too touchy feely with his hands, enough said there, but haven't been able to find another good one since.
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike! Thanks for the sweet comments you left on my journal! You are a great new friend, thats for sure! Wow, I'm really learning some very interesting things about you, young man!  You have 2 journals...which I didn't know until have 2 jobs....which I also didn't know until tonight, and I'm still not quite sure what the other one is...I know you are a valet attendent, right?  And tonight I learned you are divorced with a son.  I love reading this the other one just as enjoyable?  I guess I'm gonna have to find out on my own, huh? I think you are very funny, and very witty.  You really put a smile on my face!  Thanks you for that. Most days I need it!  
Lots of Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Ok, Now I feel pretty stupid....are you a chiropractor? (SP?-yikes!)  But I thought I read in a previous post that you were parking cars?!?!?!? I'm so confused! Was that someone elses journal and I got you confused?  Wow! If I did, I'm very sorry!  Please straighten me out here!  And I'm so sorry!
Lots of Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Too bad we are too far apart or i would be a loyal paying customer. I have never had it done before but i worked with a man who had terrible pains and he went to a old man chiroprator and swore by this man for lots more than pains. My back hurts all the time!