Saturday, January 21, 2006

What the Hell?????

Music - (Lines)Music - (Lines)

I was going to go for a hike today, but the rain beat me to it.  Since I got my jukebox fixed on my computer I am organizing my music and loading some more in.  However when trying to fill out all the information I came to the genre section.  Most of my music falls into a few selections, but there was so much to choose from. Hell there were so many I didn't have a clue to what it would even be.  Like porn groove (guess anything with a driving beat), trailer music, trip hop, fast fusion (what the ?), dark wave (sounds like some game power), and my favorite the booty bass.  LOL.  I must be getting old and will soon start complaining of the kids music next door being to loud and weird.  Wait I already do that.  Jeez I am already old.  When did that happen?  When did I lose the pulse of music.  I was a music directory in a radio station and a DJ.  Well it was 20 years ago so I guess that goes a long way to explaining things.  Well if anyone knows what the hell any of these are I would like to know.  Thanks.

Music - (Lines)Music - (Lines)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike... Just browsing by your journal again. I`m pretty sure I don`t have any of these categories for my music. Whatever happened to rock, pop, or alternative? lol

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha!  You said you were old!  Hey!  I do the same things with my girls!  I NEVER thought I'd be saying..."turn that shit down!"  but some of the music they listen to..OH MY!  I'm sorry you didn't get to take that hike...there is always tomorrow, ya know!
Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

     Porn Groove ?  Now, there's a category for ya.  I remember thinking, when I was young, that when loud music started to bother me, I would be OLD.  Guess I've been old for a while.  lol      Tina

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, you know what PORN GROOVE is, every porno has it LOL.
I'm a music fanatic and I've never heard any of those categories. But now I feel old because I complain about other's music already too. Wait... I got it.. I think I just heard some BOOTY BASS! LOL
~ Jenny